Officially Amazing!
This August, HCAS Rubik’s Club President Alan Kuo broke the Guinness World Record (Guinness World Records) for the fastest time to solve a 3×3 Rubik’s Cube underwater! Alan did it in 11.44 seconds! He took the challenge to break the record, hoping to inspire his new club members to pursue speedcubing. He is very happy to share this honor with Rubik’s Club teacher, Mr. Tamas, and his club members!
Our Lion Pride roars with excitement!
, Alan! #HCAS #RubiksCube #speedcubing
太驚艷了! @金氏世界紀錄
今年八月,HCAS 的魔術方塊社團社長 Alan Kuo 打破了金氏世界紀錄,以最快速度 11.44 秒在水下破解 3 x 3 魔術方塊! 他接受了挑戰並刷了新紀錄,他希望藉由這樣的表現能鼓勵到魔術方塊新社員們去追求速解魔術方塊! 他非常開心能和社團指導老師 Mr. Tamas 和社員們分享這份榮耀!
我們的獅子很興奮的在心中吶喊! 恭喜你,Alan! #HCAS #RubiksCube #speedcubing……/711767……