Student Council

Elected by their peers every academic year, Student Council (STUCO) serves to represent the student body and to communicate among students, administration, and other stakeholders within the community. They actively make proposals about issues that matter to the student body and work to organize events that engage the school community.

STUCO officers voice their opinions and concerns in a polite and confident manner to parents, teachers, administrators, and the HCAS student body. In doing so, they demonstrate the 7 Cs Schoolwide Learning Outcomes. While working to enhance our community in the spirit of collaboration and democracy, they channel their constructive voices for continual growth of the school.  

In addition to facilitating communication amongst the community, STUCO remains devoted to organizing student-led and student-centered events. Through hosting annual events and special occasions, they exhibit 1) compassion when prioritizing preferences of the student body, 2) creativity, communication, and critical thinking during the planning process, 3) collaboration and contribution to propel ideas into action, and 3) community by fostering bonding across the school.

Their calendar of events changes each year, but some examples of past events are as follows:

Spirit Week

Battle of the Classes

Teachers Day

Ice Cream Day

High School Lock-in

Winter Formal

Pink Shirt Day


Senior Sunrise

STUCO can be reached at


Austin Chao

Vice President

Alicia Wu


Gordon Hung


Anderson Kao

PR Manager

Eden Shih

Events Manager

Jossie Peng

Art Director

Ayuri Oto


Grade 9

Morris Hsieh

Grade 10

Cherry Yang

Grade 11

Eden Shih

Grade 12

Vitas Lee


David Toyne